We Wouldn’t Step Into These Terrifying Waters

Published on 06/14/2022

Most of these bodies of water appear to be as frightening as they are, while others conceal creepy crawlers beneath their gleaming surface. They all have one thing in common: you’ll want to get as far away as possible. These sites will have you reconsidering your next vacation, from shark-infested oceans to boiling hot waters to mysteries hidden beneath the waves. So plunge into the terrifying world of these perilous waters.

Have you ever burned yourself in boiling water by accident? Within seconds, you were probably looking for aloe vera. If you want to experience that burning sensation all over your body, head to Dominica’s The Boiling Lake. Scalding hot magma lurks beneath the lake’s surface, causing the water to boil.

The Boiling Lake

The Boiling Lake

If the steam and bubbling waters aren’t enough to scare you away from this dangerous body of water, you might be in for a rude awakening on your next visit to Dominica.

The Nile River has been so well-known throughout history and until today that it’s hard to believe it’s one of the world’s most dangerous bodies of water. The Nile River is so densely populated with crocodiles that swimming there poses an alarmingly high risk of being attacked.

Avoid The Nile Crocodile

Avoid The Nile Crocodile

The Nile Crocodile was named after this river because these crocodiles are so well-known. In the Nile River, there are over 100 crocodile attacks per year, compared to only 16 shark attacks per year! People appear to be more afraid of the wrong animal.

With a name like Bubbly Creek, how could it be dangerous? It sounds so innocent and happy. However, some parts of the Chicago River’s southern reaches are so polluted with trash, factory runoff, human waste, and other pollutants that even approaching it poses a serious health risk. What is the origin of the name Bubbly Creek? Because the decaying trash in the water results in the formation of bubbles in the water.

Chicago's Bubbly Creek

Chicago’s Bubbly Creek

No fish can survive in these waters, and those that have tried have died quickly. Not the most appealing location for a quick swim! While the vibrant green in the photo above is due to Chicago’s St. Patrick’s Day celebrations, we believe it would be beneficial to keep the river’s more contaminated areas green all year to warn visitors not to dip their toes.

A region off the coast of South Africa is known for something that most people around the world fear. Even though some people enjoy swimming in shark-infested waters, you should stay away from Gansbaai.

Take A Swim In Shark Alley

Take A Swim In Shark Alley

Not only are there an unusually large and concerning a number of sharks swimming here, but they are also hungry and ready to attack. Some shark-infested waters aren’t as dangerous as they appear because sharks rarely attack humans, but Gansbaai is just as dangerous as its name suggests.

The Gulf Coast in the southern United States is not for the faint of heart. Beware if you plan on escaping the oppressive heat by taking a dip in the water there! Despite the fact that there are few sea creatures due to excessive farm runoff from Central America, one animal roams (or should we say slithers) free: these creepy snakes.

Snakes Rule In The Gulf Coast

Snakes Rule In The Gulf Coast

The Gulf Coast’s waters are frequently infested with terrifying and dangerous snakes. Did you know that snakes can swim? Now you know, and you know to avoid these waters at all costs!


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A Life Threatening Dive In Thailand



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Fiji’s Shark Infested Lagoons



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The Abandoned Copper Mine Became A Lake



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