When A Dog Gives Birth, The Vet Notices That The Puppies Are Not Puppies

Published on 06/11/2023
When A Dog Gives Birth, The Vet Notices That The Puppies Are Not Puppies

When A Dog Gives Birth, The Vet Notices That The Puppies Are Not Puppies

Animals being rescued certainly gives everyone a feeling that all is well in the world. This often happens with animals such as dogs and cats, and the fact that dogs are considered as a man’s best friend is a testament to that. Saving lives, especially lives that are about to bring more life into this world, which is the case in this story. Rescuers managed to rescue a pregnant dog and when the time came for it to give birth, they couldn’t believe what they saw.

A Golden Retriever

When a pregnant rescued golden retriever was brought into an animal shelter, new employee Macy took it upon herself to care for it. Macy had already been informed by the veterinarian that the puppies did not appear normal on the ultrasound.

Story Starts Below Image

A Golden Retriever

Still, when the big day arrived, she was completely taken aback by the ‘Cow’ puppies the golden retriever had given birth to… How could this have happened?

Having A Child

Macy awoke to the sound of a howling coming from downstairs. She could tell it was time. Bella was on the verge of giving birth. She jumped out of bed and dashed to the rescued golden retriever’s bed.


Having A Child

They’d been through so much together, and seeing her in such pain broke Macy’s heart…

Not Your Average Puppies

But now was not the time to feel sorry for Bella because Macy needed to concentrate on assisting with the delivery of the puppies. She couldn’t stop herself from being enthralled.


Not Your Average Puppies

The vet had warned her that these would not be ordinary puppies. But then what the hell would they be?

‘Cow’ puppies?

Macy couldn’t believe her eyes when their first puppy finally started crowning after 2 hours of labor. The Vet had warned her, but she had not anticipated this.


‘Cow’ puppies?

The puppy… It resembled a cow! Bella had just given birth to what on God’s green earth? And now, what is Macy supposed to do?

Pregnant Dog

It is not uncommon for a dog rescued from the streets to arrive at the rescue station pregnant. Animals on the streets are reduced to their basic survival and procreation instincts.


Pregnant Dog

What is unusual is that the rescue station is well-equipped to deal with pregnant dogs.

Understaffed Station

This particular station had a veterinarian with whom they collaborated, but the veterinarian was not present. When a pregnant golden retriever arrived, they had no idea how to handle the situation.


Understaffed Station

They were already severely understaffed, and this dog clearly required a lot of attention. Could they handle her and all of the other responsibilities?

Long-term Dedication

Working with the dog would not end once she gave birth because there would be more work to do with the puppies once she had her litter.


Long-term Dedication

Furthermore, one of the senior technicians felt that something was very wrong with this pregnancy and that it needed to be resolved right away.

How To Deal With The Situation

For the time being, many options for dealing with this situation are being discussed. Some options were obviously more appealing than others. They considered transporting the dog to another station and recruiting another volunteer.


How To Deal With The Situation

They were also thinking about euthanizing her. It was unfortunate that such a depressing option was available, but it had to be considered.

Macy’s Involvement

Given how busy the station was and how understaffed it was, the average staff member was leaning toward euthanasia.


Macy’s Involvement

However, the main reason this dog received the assistance and attention she required was due to a relatively new and inexperienced employee at the rescue station named Macy.

Soft Spot For Dogs

Macy had always had a thing for animals, particularly dogs. She knew she wanted to work with animals from a young age and had always imagined herself as a veterinarian.


Soft Spot For Dogs

She began attending school for it and everything. Her life goals, however, shifted following an experience she had while on a relief trip to Indonesia.

Macy’s Experience

Macy had mostly seen happy dogs in the excellent care of their respective owners in America. However, this was not the case in Indonesia, where malnourished and often sick dogs were abandoned and roamed the streets wherever she went.


Macy’s Experience

She hadn’t even come to help the dogs, but rather the people. However, seeing all the sad dogs broke Macy’s heart.

Conducting Research

When Macy returned to the United States, she began researching street dogs and how to assist them. She was surprised to learn how many street dogs there were.


Conducting Research

They weren’t just in the small town where she grew up, but they were even more prevalent in the nearby big city.

Assisting The Puppies

All Macy wanted to do after that helped these puppies. She moved to Boston when she was 18 and applied to a stray dog rescue center. Because the station was understaffed, she was hired almost immediately.


Assisting The Puppies

Macy was still optimistic and determined.

Golden Retriever Named Bella

When Macy was only in her second week, the pregnant golden retriever, Bella, arrived, and they discussed what to do with her. When the option of euthanasia was raised, Macy decided to intervene.


Golden Retriever Named Bella

She couldn’t stand by and watch a pregnant animal be euthanized for the sake of convenience.


Macy offered to work extra hours to complete her regular duties and provide extra care for Bella. The station head appreciated Macy’s offer and delegated full responsibility for Macy to Bella.



Macy decided to take her home for the time being so she could monitor her overnight.

Two Jobs At The Same Time

For the next few weeks, Macy commuted back and forth between her house and the station, working two jobs at the same time. Fortunately, she lived near the station and had assistance from her roommate, who also liked dogs.


Two Jobs At The Same Time

Macy felt like she was assisting, even though things were only going to get more complicated from here.

Covering Macy’s Tasks

Other station employees did their best to cover some of Macy’s tasks, making her life a little easier and giving her more time to care for Bella. They were moved by her commitment to and compassion for this dog.


Covering Macy’s Tasks

However, there was only so much they could do because the station was once again understaffed.


Unfortunately, even with the assistance of her colleagues, Macy was still struggling. Bella was struggling in the final weeks of her pregnancy. Macy had to take Bella to the vet several times while she was caring for her.



Of course, this only added to the stress of the situation.

Time And Money

All of Macy’s trips to the vet cost her a lot of time and money. She began to question whether it was all worth it. What would become of Bella and the puppies once they arrived?


Time And Money

Macy didn’t have enough money to keep them cared for much longer. She tried not to be too disheartened.

Importance Of Bella’s Health

Macy tried her hardest to push her concerns about Bella’s health and finances to the back of her mind. What was most important right now was Bella’s and her puppies’ health.


Importance Of Bella’s Health

The doctor was able to keep Bella stable with medication but seemed overly interested in the ultrasound when checking on the puppies.

Puppies Appeared Strange

The ultrasound did not reveal much to the veterinarian. But, based on what he could see, he was almost certain Bella hadn’t been laying with another golden retriever, a labrador, another dog, or anything remotely similar.


Puppies Appeared Strange

The puppies appeared strange. Strange indeed. Macy, on the other hand, was pretty sure that wasn’t possible.

Examining The Ultrasound

The veterinarian ended up showing the ultrasound images to a couple of colleagues, but no one could pinpoint exactly what was wrong with these puppies. This began to concern Macy.


Examining The Ultrasound

Did this imply that they were unhealthy? This made her worried about how much money she was putting into it if the puppies were going to die anyway.

Street Dog History

Bella was a street dog, so she could have been impregnated by anything that can breed with dogs. What was Macy going to have to deal with when these puppies were born?

Half A Dozen,Stray,Street,Dogs,Roaming,In,A,Residential,Area,In

Street Dog History

Are they even puppies? Macy was certain that wasn’t possible, but the Vet was certain that these were not dogs.

The Dogs’ Well-Being

Macy inquired as to the health of the puppies, or whatever they were. The veterinarian assured her that, while the ultrasound appeared strange, it did provide a good indication that the puppies were currently healthy.


The Dogs’ Well-Being

Despite everything else, this was the most important thing to Macy, and she could find comfort in it.

Soon It Would Be Time

After Macy returned Bella from the vet, she knew it would only be a matter of days before Bella gave birth. Macy wisely took the days off from working at the shelter because she knew where her attention should be for the time being.


Soon It Would Be Time

A Macy was concerned enough by what the Vet had seen to know she needed to be with Bella for this.

Bonding With Bella

During this time, Macy began to notice an increasing bond between herself and Bella. Because, even though the dog was in pain, Macy could still sense how much love Bella had to give.


Bonding With Bella

Her desire to keep Bella grew stronger by the day. This, however, brought with it some difficulties.

Small Apartment

Because Macy already lived in a small apartment and barely had enough money to support herself, giving Bella the life she deserved would be a real challenge.


Small Apartment

Not to mention the puppies Bella was looking forward to. Macy could not possibly handle that many dogs. But she adored Bella and wanted to assist her in any way she could.

There Is No Time To Think

But what would Macy do with the puppies? She could make it work with just Bella, but not with puppies. Macy had hoped that she would be given more time to make a decision about everything, but this was not the case.


There Is No Time To Think

The puppies were on their way, and they were coming soon.

Going Into Labor

Bella went into labor that night. Macy had hoped that when it happened, it would at least be during the day. But, as luck would have it, Bella went into labor at two a.m., exactly as she had done in the past.


Going Into Labor

Unfortunately, Macy’s hopes were dashed. It was like just a moment ago she was filled with hope and it just vanishes in a flash.

Monitoring Bella

Before going to bed, Macy placed a baby monitor in the dog pen with Bella, hoping to be awakened by Bella’s cries if she went into labor.


Monitoring Bella

She knew the time was approaching, but she couldn’t stay awake all night waiting for it. So she went to bed after putting the monitor in the dog pen.

Sound Asleep

Macy was naturally sleeping when Bella went into labor. When the baby monitor abruptly began blasting cries next to Macy’s ear, she needed a moment to realize what was going on and confirm that she was awake and not dreaming.


Sound Asleep

She’d spent far too much of the previous few days attempting to complete exhaustion.

Coming To Bella’s Side

Macy quickly changed into some old jogging pants and a t-shirt and headed downstairs. This could quickly turn ugly. When Macy turned on the light, she was relieved to see that Bella was still in the early stages of labor.


Coming To Bella’s Side

Macy would have to put her skills from the shelter to the test.

Bella’s State

Bella’s tongue was hanging out of her mouth, and she was breathing heavily, her entire body twitching with each heave. Macy dashed off to get some towels and a bucket of water.


Bella’s State

The pen’s entire purpose was to contain the mess, but that didn’t mean Macy wouldn’t have to work hard to keep the mess from spreading.

Limited Help

Macy wanted to help Bella in any way she could, but she also knew that this was a process she would have to go through on her own. She stroked Bella’s face and made it clear that she was always there for her.

Dog,Lying,On,The,Bed, ,Golden,Retriever

Limited Help

After about a half-hour of pushing, Macy began to see the first of the puppies.

Nervous Feelings

Macy felt a rush of nervousness and excitement. She still didn’t know what kind of puppies Bella was going to have because she didn’t know what kind of dog Bella had mated with.


Nervous Feelings

However, she was about to find out, and the anticipation had her on the edge of her seat.

Not Excitement

When Bella’s first puppy was finally born, Macy’s excitement quickly turned to shock. Those freckles, that nose, those legs… Macy was unsure if this was even a dog.


Not Excitement

The puppy was unlike any dog Macy had ever seen. Was it looking a lot more like a tiny baby cow?

Never Seen Before

Macy had never seen anything like this before! But how could this have happened? Dog genetics can be strange at times, but the puppies should look at least partly like Bella because she was their mother.


Never Seen Before

They should definitely look more like Bella than the cows they were before!

No Need To Worry

But Macy didn’t have time to worry about that now because there were a lot more puppies, or whatever these animals were, that needed to be safely brought into this world.


No Need To Worry

Macy cleaned up the first suspect puppy and wrapped it in a towel bundle to keep it warm until its siblings arrived.

More Cow Puppies

Bella had begun to push the next puppy out, and wouldn’t you know it, it resembled the first. And so did the one after that. Why were all the puppies resembling cows?


More Cow Puppies

Macy pinched herself to make sure she wasn’t dreaming, but she was most definitely awake unless she was dreaming that she was dreaming.

Long Labor

After a two-and-a-half-hour labor process, the entire litter of what should be puppies was born into this world. Macy was still convinced she was seeing things at four thirty in the morning.


Long Labor

The puppies all had the same odd appearance. But she wasn’t hallucinating. This had undoubtedly occurred.

Watching The Puppies

Unsure what to do next, Macy decided to stay up all night to ensure that all of the animals survived until she could take them into the shelter later that morning.


Watching The Puppies

The shelter’s veterinarian would be able to tell her more about what was going on. In any case, Macy hoped he could.

Wanting Some Answers

Macy couldn’t take her gaze away from the strange-looking puppies as the night turned into morning and the sun began to rise. Was there something wrong with them, or was she hallucinating?


Wanting Some Answers

She hoped the Vet could provide her with some answers. She was also half expecting to wake up at any moment and discover that she had had a dream.


Macy piled Bella and the dubious puppies into her car and drove to the shelter as soon as she could. She was already there when the Vet arrived.



Macy couldn’t wait to finally get some answers. Despite the fact that it was not the most important thing at the time.

Important Things

What was most important was that Bella and the puppies were alive and appeared to be in good health. The Vet would first need to perform a checkup to ensure Macy’s assessment of their health was correct.


Important Things

When the Vet arrived, and Macy brought them in, he raised an eyebrow before starting work.

Vet’s Assessment

The Vet first determined that Bella was in good health. Despite Macy’s best efforts, she was still tired and dehydrated. She was mostly tired, though.


Vet’s Assessment

Despite her earlier concerns, she was going to make it through this just fine. Then there was the matter of the puppies.


The Vet understood Macy’s concern because he, too, thought they were strange. But he had finally figured out what had caused this. The spots were most likely caused by Bella mating with a dalmatian carrying dominant genes.



After all, dog genetics can be very strange. Concerning the peculiar characteristics…

Cow Features

The puppies’ strange, almost cow-like features could be explained by their premature birth. In fact, it’s almost a month too early. Everything about them had not yet been fully developed.


Cow Features

This, of course, raised more questions. Why had Bella given birth so early? After all, she now had seven underdeveloped puppies!

Health Is Jeopardized

The Vet concluded that whatever trauma Bella had experienced while on the streets had caused her to go into labor prematurely, despite all of Macy’s care.


Health Is jeopardized

Because the puppies were born prematurely, their health was jeopardized. The Vet assured Macy that they could stay at the shelter under his care.

Healthy Puppies

Fortunately, all of the puppies survived and developed into normal, healthy puppies. The shelter placed them for adoption as soon as they were properly weaned and old enough.


Healthy Puppies

In less than two weeks, every puppy had a home. They ceased to resemble cows and evolved into adorable Dalmatian retrievers.

Macy And Bella

While the puppies were clearly popular with families, Bella was an older dog who had seen a lot. Macy made the decision to adopt Bella and give this lovely and special dog the life she deserved.


Macy And Bella

Macy still works at the shelter, and Bella occasionally joins her there, playing with and cheering up the shelter dogs.

Vet Wasn’t Convinced It Was A Horse

Jessy had only one wish: a horse. Unfortunately, that was too much to ask. She thought she’d found her perfect horse, but when it was finally taken to the vet after a few days of terror, the vet looked at Jessy and said.

She Believed It's A Horse, But Vet Wasn't Conviced And Called The Cops

Vet Wasn’t Convinced It Was A Horse

“Sweet woman, do you have any idea what this is?” It didn’t take the vet long to realize Jessy had purchased an unusual horse.

Bad news

Jessy waited for the vet to return with her horse with bated breath. She had a hunch something was wrong. There had to be something there! The vet would not have reacted in this way otherwise.

Bad News

Bad News

There had to be some bad news on the way, and she wasn’t sure she was ready…


After several days of deliberation, the veterinarian came at his conclusions. He had no idea how to tell Jessy, who was hoping to keep her horse.



He was positive of his diagnosis, though, and had no choice but to convey his findings, whether they shattered her heart or not…

Had to give her away

After the vet gave her the dreadful news, Jessy realized she couldn’t keep her horse. She had to give up her wish and thank the vet for being truthful and soothing her anxiety.

Had to give her away

Had to give her away

So, what made this horse so special? Was it, in fact, a horse, and why was the vet concerned?

An auction

That was the ideal auction for Jessy. A large number of animals were being sold near the country. And they were all anxious for a place to live after being found or rescued from cruel owners.

An auction

An auction

Then there was it: a one-of-a-kind horse, strangely beautiful. Jessy had no need to second-guess herself. But she really ought to have.

Buying her

The dealer was ambiguous with Jessy. He couldn’t tell her anything about the horse other than that it was named ‘Africa,’ and it was about four years old. Jessy, on the other hand, was oblivious.

Buying her

Buying her

The horse seemed remarkable and responded well to her caresses. She was accompanying her to her house.


Jessy didn’t own any land, but she had an idea for where the horse should be kept. A riding school was just a few blocks away. There was plenty of room for other horses, and because the distance was small.

essy didn’t have a piece of land herself, but had an idea of where to keep the horse. Only a few blocks away, there was a riding school. There was plenty of room for other horses, and due to the short distance, Jessy could visit her horse daily. It all seemed bright, but things would unravel quite soon.

Jessy could see her horse on a frequent basis. Everything seemed to be in order, but everything was about to fall apart.

Strange behavior

On the second day, the first clue that something was awry occurred. When Jessy was called to the riding stables, she was at work. They refused to explain why. When Jessy arrived, she recognized what was going on.

Strange behavior

Strange behavior

Jessy should have noticed something was wrong at this point, but she was being naive.

Broken gate

Her horse smashed one of the gates with just one or two kicks. The stables were built to resist such horse eruptions, yet they collapsed. “This is really unique,” Jessy’s stable owner commented.

Broken gate

Broken gate

Have you rode this horse yet, and where did you get it? “However, Jessy did not buy the horse to ride it.

Riding the horse

To please the stable owner, Jessy claimed she hadn’t rode her horse yet. She claimed that the horse was too energetic to stand around and needed to be exercised in order to accept confinement in a stable.

Riding the horse

Riding the horse

The stable owner then proposed an idea that would change everything.

Getting clothes

He told her she could use the horse track for free this time. He joked that he didn’t need money because it would save his stables. Jessy couldn’t dispute it and instead agreed.

Getting clothes

Getting clothes

She asked the stablekeeper to ready the horse so she could quickly return home and change her clothes. Her horse, though, will be gone when she returns.

Where is my horse?

Instead of her horse, Jessy discovered a startled stable owner! He couldn’t believe what he saw. “I’ve never seen such a strong horse…” he commented. Jessy, on the other hand, seemed unconcerned by his words.

Where is my horse?

Where is my horse?

She was wondering where her horse was. She requested that he explain what had occurred and where her horse was located.

Ran off

The stable owner explained that he had taken the horse outside to prepare it for her, but as a loud automobile passed by, the animal unhooked itself from a pole and bolted. However, the horse was inside the riding track’s gates and should not have been able to leave.

Ran off

Ran off

But the horse dashed through one of the gates and ran. This horse was far from ordinary…

Rescue service

Jessy was left speechless. What did she get herself into? Most importantly, what happened to her horse? She needed to find it. She immediately contacted the rescue organization and declared herself missing.

Rescue service

Rescue service

Jessy left the riding stables without speaking to the owner. It turned out to be a mistake.

Getting to the station

The rescue agency enquired about Jessy’s whereabouts, and she was brought to the station as soon as she told them everything she knew. Jessy expected to be asked for further information about her horse or to identify herself.

Getting to the station 

Getting to the station

But the rescue organization had different plans.

A picture

As she came, they requested her to take a seat. Jessy quickly leaped up when they showed her a photo of her horse! “Does that imply you tracked her down? “But, the rescue service informed her that it was an old photograph.

A picture

A picture

Jessy is quite dissatisfied. “But hold on! If this isn’t a current photograph, where did it come from? “She questioned herself.

A lot more to it

But still, if Jenny inquired about the issue, the rescue agency would just ignore her. They just informed her that they will do everything possible to save her horse since “everyone will gain” from it.

A lot more to it

A lot more to it

Jessy realized there was a lot more to this horse than she had previously assumed.

Rescue mission

As a result, Jessy launched the rescue mission with the rescue service. The rescue service began in the vicinity of the stables. Then Jessy strolled over to a tiny woodland not far from the stables.

Rescue mission

Rescue mission

She promised to keep in touch with the rescue organization; it wouldn’t be long before she received a phone call…


While she hadn’t yet found the horse, Jessy noticed various traces that could indicate that it was nearby. She persisted in her search and was about to give up when a stranger approached her and offered to help.



The stranger

When the visitor asked Jessy to describe her horse, she did her best to be as descriptive as she could. However, she was only halfway through her sentence when the man quickly cut her off.

The stranger

The stranger

“What if I told you that your horse did not flee, but was captured?” Jessy is surprised.

A man

The stranger described how a man dressed in horseback riding garb kidnapped her horse. The guy seemed confident and pointed in the direction they had come from. That was the exact location of the stables.

A man

A man

Was the stable owner planning anything? Was he honest with her?

Informing the rescue service

Jessy called the emergency services right away. There was no time to squander. She expected the rescue service to respond naturally to the news, as their unusual behavior in the past should have been caused by the robbery.

Informing the rescue service

Informing the rescue service

Nonetheless, they were as surprised as Jessy! What was going on here exactly?

To a vet

Even though this was primarily bad news, at least they knew where to look and who to pursue. The police were taken aback by the rescue operation, and it didn’t take long for them to track down the stable owner.

To a vet

To a vet

Jessy went to the arrest site to greet her horse, but was told it had already been taken to the vet.


After Jessy insisted, they eventually told her where she could find the vet. She dashed there and was greeted by the rescue team. They told her to stay calm because the results of the vet’s examination would tell her everything she needed to know.



Everything was finally starting to make sense. After they explained everything she started to put the pieces together.


But she was stopped by the media before she even got close to the vet! What were they aware of, and how did they become aware of it? They started questioning her and kept referring to her horse as ‘Africa.’



How did they know that particular name? Perhaps someone had told the media about it?
