In English, Meritamun means “beloved of the god Amun.” After searching the archives and discovering her skull, University of Melbourne researchers introduced the mean. They have no idea how her skull got there because she was from ancient Egypt. In any case, she was one of Pharaoh Ramesses’ Great Royal Wives. She is said to have been buried in Egypt’s Valley of the Queens.

What Meritamun Really Looked Like
Because the skull was the only item they had on her, they didn’t have much information. Regardless, they discovered more information about her. They discovered that she died when she was between the ages of 18 and 25, yet the cause of death is still unknown. They also discovered that she enjoyed sweets as a result of her tooth decay. Because Alexander III brought it to Egypt while she was still living, this is correct.

What Meritamun Really Looked Like