What Nefertiti Really Looked Like
Expedition Unknown used 3D imaging technology to digitally map the face of “The Younger Lady” in 2012. The remains are thought to be those of Nefertiti. After scanning the face, Elisabeth Daynes spent 500 hours recreating Nefertiti’s visage, which she relied on historical photos. Many people agree that it was Nefertiti after seeing the results.

What Nefertiti Really Looked Like
Robert The Bruce
From 1306 to 1329, Robert the Bruce, often known as Robert I, governed an independent Scotland. After winning a guerrilla war against England, he helped secure Scottish independence. In June 1314, he won the Battle of Bannockburn. Scottish people, barons, and earls wrote to the Pope to support Robert I’s claim to the throne when Edward II refused to grant them freedom.

Robert The Bruce