William Shakespeare
Scholars and historians are continually debating over William Shakespeare. Many of them, however, agree that the Martin Droeshout engraving is a true representation of the dramatist. Even though he was balding, he had facial hair. Hildegard Hammerschmidt-Hummel discovered his death mask in London in 1975. They made death masks out of plaster or wax by pouring the substance on the dead person’s face back then.

William Shakespeare
What William Shakespeare Really Looked Like
Dr. Caroline Wilkinson created a representation of his face using this death mask in 2010. She created this rendering of the Bard using 3D imagery. Many people claim that it resembles the previous interpretations, despite the fact that you can’t see his entire head here. At the age of 52, he died on April 23, 1616.

What William Shakespeare Really Looked Like