Giovanni Battista Sidotti
Giovanni Battista Sidotti, an apostolic missionary, was born in 1668. He was dispatched to Japan in order to propagate Christianity. In those days, it was a highly perilous mission. He pretended to be a samurai but was unable to persuade them. They apprehended him and imprisoned him till he died in 1714. Many consider him to be “the last missionary.”

Giovanni Battista Sidotti
What Giovanni Battista Sidotti Really Looked Like
In comparison to other historical individuals, his remains were recovered reasonably undamaged. They discovered his body in 2014 during a 2 million yen excavation expedition. It was feasible to work on this reproduction of him because of his remains. Although the skull had been damaged, the forensic anthropologists working on the project were not deterred.

What Giovanni Battista Sidotti Really Looked Like