See How Historical Figures Look Like With These Amazing Wax Figures

Published on 11/19/2021

Dante Alighieri

The Divine Comedy was written by Dante Alighieri. He was regarded as one of Italy’s most prominent poets of the late Middle Ages. His writings depicted Hell and Heaven, and part of what he wrote has now become mainstream Christian practice. He was a respected philosopher whose thoughts are still relevant today, in addition to his poetry. At the age of 56, he died in 1321.

Dante Alighieri

Dante Alighieri


What Dante Alighieri Really Looked Like

There are a lot of portraits of him, and they all seem to agree on how he appeared. He had a stern face and an aquiline nose, according to the mainstream consensus. This aided the team’s work on the author’s CGI rendering. Aside from that, they used his skull measurements. The drawing revealed that he had larger eyes, a rounder jaw, and a gentler facial expression when compared to pictures of him.

What Dante Alighieri Really Looked Like

What Dante Alighieri Really Looked Like