Maximilien Robespierre
The most famous figure of the French Revolution was Maximilien Robespierre. Religious tolerance, abolition of slavery, abolition of celibacy, and universal manhood suffrage were among the causes advocated by the lawyer and politician. When it came to the foundation of the First French Republic, he was crucial. In the function of deputy, he was even elected to the National Convention. What did he look like in real life?

Maximilien Robespierre
What Maximilien Robespierre Really Looked Like
Philippe Froesch and Philippe Charlier collaborated on this representation of his face in 2013. They used two death masks in addition to the artwork. According to reports, these were created by Madame Tussaud! On July 28, 1794, she had no choice but to use his beheaded head.

What Maximilien Robespierre Really Looked Like